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What is IoT?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected devices that can communicate with one another and deliver data to users over the Internet. IoT devices can connect to the Internet and are frequently equipped with sensors that allow them to collect data. An IoT device can be beneficial on its own, but when used in conjunction with other devices, it becomes even more valuable.

The Internet of Things expands in size as additional types of equipment get the ability to connect to the Internet. The Internet of Things encompasses a wide range of devices. Everything from manufacturing machinery to electrical substations to buildings and infrastructure can be included, and the number of connected items is expanding by the day. Manufacturers, energy corporations, municipal governments, and a wide range of other entities.

IoT technology allows you to automatically collect data from a range of tasks, such as how much energy a building's lights consume or how much water flows through a wastewater treatment facility. IoT systems and devices can use the Internet to send data collected to a central system. Managers can then use this information to make better decisions. You can dive down into the data using data analysis tools to gain deeper insights and forecast future consequences.

IoT technology can also be used to automate your equipment and aspects of your business. Smart sensors allow equipment to automatically alter its operation to maximize energy use, traffic flow, and other factors. When they detect a specific input, smart sensors take action or signal for an action to occur. Motion-activated lights are a simple example. When the sensors detect motion, the lights switch on. Smart sensors can also detect abnormal conditions or device operation and notify users of potential issues.

Defining the Industrial Internet of Thing

IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things ) is a subset of IoT ( Internet Of Things). The phrase relates to the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies utilized in industrial contexts, namely in manufacturing plants. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a critical technology in Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution. Smart technology, data, automation, interconnection, artificial intelligence, and other technologies and capabilities are highlighted in Industry 4.0. These technologies are transforming how factories and organizations operate.

IIoT can have many of the same applications and benefits as IoT. Smart sensors may be integrated into manufacturing machines, energy systems, and infrastructures such as pipelines and wiring. These sensors, by the data they collect and the increased functionality they offer, may assist industrial firms in increasing efficiency, production, employee safety, and other factors.

IIoT improves machine-to-machine connectivity and provides plant managers with data that helps them understand how their facility is doing. Industrial firms can keep a closer eye on the energy, water, and other resources they're consuming, when their gear is running, and how much they're generating by collecting granular data on a continuous basis. Operators can then make manual modifications, or the equipment can adjust automatically to improve its functioning.

Companies may save considerable quantities of energy, water, and resources while maintaining or improving production levels through continuous optimization. When leveraged in this manner, IIoT may assist businesses in meeting their lean manufacturing objectives. IIoT may also be used to inform predictive maintenance plans, accelerate product development, and achieve other business objectives.

Differences between IIoT and IoT 

When distinguishing between IoT and industrial IoT, it's critical to remember that IIoT is a subset of IoT technology that explicitly refers to technologies utilized for industrial activities. Many of the same principles and functions are involved, however, there are some differences between IIoT and standard IoT applications.

Consider the following differences between the IIoT and IoT

Market focus:

The Internet of Things (IoT) covers a wide range of industries and users. IoT technology may be used by consumers as well as professionals in fields such as healthcare, business, and government. Because IoT is used in so many various sectors and by so many different people, it tends to focus on more generic applications.

IIoT technology, on the other hand, is only employed in industrial settings by professionals in an industrial field. Power plants, oil and gas refineries, and manufacturing facilities are the places where IIoT is being used


Users of IIoT and IoT technology tend to have significantly different objectives. The goal of IoT implementation is typically to boost efficiency, improve health and safety, and offer better experiences. IIoT is typically focused on the first two aims and is less user-centric. IIoT is not used in everyday life by ordinary people, but rather as part of an industrial process

End devices: 

Because IIoT and IoT have distinct objectives and aims, they frequently require separate devices. IIoT devices are intended to give users data about their machinery by integrating with current machinery rather than operating alone. Controllers and Programmable Logic Controllers are examples of these gadgets. IoT devices are often commonplace items that can be used independently, such as smart thermostats, wearables, and smart assistants. IoT smart sensors and other gadgets used to improve infrastructure can be found on occasion

Failure risk:

Because IoT devices and technology are employed on a small scale, the risk of failure is quite minimal. In general, IoT devices aren't employed for critical procedures that, if they fail, could be life-threatening or harmful. When compared to IoT, IIoT devices and technology failure can be more harmful, as IIoT technology is network-connected and can generate life-threatening scenarios when a piece of heavy machinery breaks.

Development requirements:

 When corporations create new IoT devices, they typically attempt to improve the convenience of a user's daily life. Because consumer desire for ease of use is great, the focus of development is increasingly on boosting comfort. IIoT development often focuses on creating new gadgets that can improve the efficiency of clients' operations. Because industrial facilities must optimize their operations to be competitive, IIoT developers employ data metrics to create gadgets that help businesses decrease costs and enhance productivity.

Compatibility with previous systems:

IoT devices do not need to be compatible with legacy systems in general. Because these devices frequently function independently, device designers are not required to make them backward compatible. IIoT devices, on the other hand, must be interoperable with a variety of legacy devices and machinery used in industrial operations. Because these factories frequently feature equipment that lacks digital interfaces or capability, many IIoT devices must assist older equipment in providing digital data and accepting IT system commands.

Environmental requirements:

 IoT devices must normally perform in everyday situations, with designs that are built to resist regular temperatures and other environmental stresses. IIoT devices must be more durable and reliable because they are used in tougher situations such as energy plants, factories, and oil refineries. As a result, makers of IIoT devices often design their products to endure dampness, radio interference, and severe temperatures in order to offer consistent results.


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